Having access to accurate, truthful and relevant information allows citizens better understand the world around them and to make good decisions effecting better outcomes economically, socially and personally.

Radio Free Europe is a media organization founded at the being of the Cold War to provide news to countries without a free press. It is now one of the most comprehensive media organizations in the world and is credited with “playing a significant role in the collapse of communism and the rise of democracies in post-communist Europe.” https://pressroom.rferl.org/history

Though modern technology gives us access to news and information immediately, 24/7, we have witnessed the death of local news and are often dependent of social media for coverage of the news that is most relevant at any given moment.

Our aim at RFRH is to provide informative and entertaining content and help fill the void left by the recession of local news. We welcome contributions and intend to provide access to new perspectives and information. It is our hope to be a stakeholder in the creation of a more vibrant and close-knit community.

Submission Process

We welcome guest submissions and story ideas. Submissions must conform to the following guidelines to be accepted. The editor of radiofreerockhill.com has the ultimate say on whether a submission is published.

  • Our focus is content related to the Rock Hill, SC area (York, Lancaster and Chester Counties).
  • We acknowledge that diversity of opinion is a key component to a healthy community and welcome varying viewpoints. Hate speech and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Unless specifically labeled as fiction, all submissions must be factually accurate. Radio Free Rock Hill reserves the right to edit or remove content at its discretion.

Email a brief description of your submission or idea to Terry Roueche using our contact form.


Radio Free Rock Hill does not accept paid advertising at this time. We may agree to advertise your business or event, preference is given to local small business, non-profit and events of community benefit. Contact us and ask.